A leading driver and strong advocate for European Businesses in Korea
ECCK Busan HR Information Session
ECCK Busan HR Information Session with Kelly Services was held on April 8. The presentation covered “2016 Korean Labor Law Amendment and Effect on Human Resources” and was conducted by SoHyun Kim, Chief Consultant of Kelly Services. With participation of companies such as Consilium Marine Korea, Lufthansa, and Wartsila Marine Systems Korea, the seminar was a success.
ECCK Busan HR Information Session
ECCK Busan HR Information Session with Kelly Services was held on April 8. The presentation covered “2016 Korean Labor Law Amendment and Effect on Human Resources” and was conducted by SoHyun Kim, Chief Consultant of Kelly Services. With participation of companies such as Consilium Marine Korea, Lufthansa, and Wartsila Marine Systems Korea, the seminar was a success.