A leading driver and strong advocate for European Businesses in Korea

Vision & Mission Statement

The European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) is committed to advancing the interests of companies from the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member states as well from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland operating in Korea. Furthermore, it cooperates with organizations that share mutual interests to promote optimal business environment and fairly represent the European business community. To achieve these objectives, the ECCK focuses on:

  • Ensuring a fair and open business environment by facilitating dialogue with the government
  • Collecting and disseminating information on the business as well as economic and regulatory developments in Korea and Europe
  • Creating networking opportunities for its members
  • Contributing to the Korean society by supporting corporate social responsibility activities and promoting good corporate governance practices

Background Information

The European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) is a distinguished association of European companies operating in or related to Korea. By registering with the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE), the ECCK was officially founded as a non-profit, non-political organization on December 3, 2012.

Established with the blessings of the EU Delegation and the European business community in Korea, the ECCK’s primary objective is to provide its members with information, communication, and access pertaining to the business and regulatory environment of Korea. While European companies form the largest membership base of the or­ganization, the ECCK welcomes companies of all nationalities to join and to share the membership benefits.

Entrusted with member’s mandate, the Board of Director presides over the organization. The Advisory Board embodies representatives of national chambers and embassies, providing general guidance and advice. The Secretariat functions to execute the Chamber’s day-to-day activities and operations.

The ECCK aims to promote a fair and open business environment by facilitating dialogue between European corporations and the Korean government all the while operating for the benefit of the Korean society.

Our Services

Committees & Forums

Committees and Forums are the centrepieces of ECCK activities. Comprised of participating member companies, Committees and Forums assist members to keep informed of regulations, to improve market intelligence, and to express positions on specific trade issues. While Committees address industry-specific issues to Korean govern­ment counterparts, Forums focus primarily on cross-industry topics such as human resources or corporate social responsibilities and are open to all members free of charge.


The ECCK organizes conferences and seminars of industrial relevance for knowledge sharing. In particular, the Chamber is actively engaged in dialogues with government agencies to represent the European industry’s concerns and issues. Furthermore, formal and informal networ­king events are hosted to encourage information exchange and business relationships.


As a platform for information exchange, the ECCK circulates publications to inform our members of the current market situation, key regulatory issues, and notable social trends in Korea. In addition, the ECCK conducts surveys on the business climate in Korea or specific industrial opinions.

Major publications include:

  • ECCK White Paper
  • ECCK Membership Directory
  • ECCK Connect Magazine
  • Business Confidence Survey
  • Weekly Newsletter

EU Sponsored Programs

The ECCK has built cooperative ties with the European Commission and have contracted to conduct research and promotional programs. Since 2013, the ECCK has contributed to Market Studies Papers as part of supporting the EU Gateway Business Mission, an EU-funded business delegation of European SMEs to Korea for successful market entry. The ECCK is also a member of the EBO Worldwide Network ASBL.