The ECCK would like to congratulate and warmly welcome David Cummins as the new M&S committee Chairman. Mr Cummins is currently the Vice President of Shell Korea Limited and a Strategic Supplier Manager with Royal Dutch Shell, totalling 30 years of Shell experience all over the world. We look forward to his leadership as the …
Dear Valued Members & Friends: Committees and Forums are run by a Chairman and optionally a Vice Chairmen. At the end of August, we would like to kick off the nomination and election process for the following Committees and Forums. Just a note: Committees are industry specific while Forums are cross-industry. The Marine & Shipbuilding …
On July 2, ECCK held the first meeting of its newly established Compliance Forum. This Forum follows the challenges compliance officers and general counsels face in remaining informed of the high number of regulations in Korea as well as any developments in the field of compliance. In order to alleviate such burden, the Compliance Forum …
President Darbes appointed as Invest Busan Committee member The ECCK is pleased to announce President Jean-Christophe DarbesÛª appointment as a member of the Invest Busan Committee. On March 10, Byung-soo Suh, the Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City, offered a position for the new ECCK president. The ECCK and Busan City have been closely cooperating to promote foreign business …
The ECCK officially launched two new committees related to the Financial Service Industry. Firstly, the Banking Committee was inaugurated on December 9; and secondly, a committee to take care of Asset Management started operation on December 12. This brings the total number of finance related committees to four. Insurance and Alternative Investment (former Real …
ECCK Marine and Shipbuilding committee will organize an industrial seminar during the Offshore Korea 2014 Exhibition in BEXCO on November 14. To read more about the exhibition, please click the links below. Text is available in Korean. [파이낸셜뉴스] 국내 최대 ‘국제해양플랜트전’ 12일 부산서 개막 [뉴시스] 부산 벡스코 ‘OK 2014’…31개국 502개사 ‘역대 최대’ 기록 [머니투데이] ‘국제해양플랜트전’ 12일 부산서 개막