The ECCK is pleased to announce that, Ms. Ana-Maria Boie, General Manager of Boehringer-Ingelheim Korea has been elected as the new Chairperson of the ECCK Healthcare Committee. She will serve a two-year term as the chairperson of the Healthcare Committee effective from April 4, 2024. We would like to welcome Ms. Ana-Maria Boie. Furthermore, we …
On April 2, ECCK Aerospace & Defense Committee visited Panmunjom. Attended by ECCK Chairperson Philippe Van Hoof and President Stefan Ernst as well, committee members visited the Joint Security Area (JSA) in the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) and were engaged in various discussions with military officers of Sweden’s NNSC on security issues …
The ECCK is pleased to announce that, Mr. Are Kleiven, Site Manager of ABB Ltd,. Korea has been elected as the new Chairperson of the ECCK Marine & Shipbuilding Committee. Also, Mr. Alexandros Pirounakis, Managing Director of Burckhardt Compression Korea Busan Ltd. has been appointed as the new Vice-Chairperson of the Marine & Shipbuilding Committee. The …
ECCK is pleased to announce that, Mr. Benoit Brule, Managing Director of Geodis Korea, has been appointed as the new Chairperson of the ECCK Logistics & Transport Committee. Mr. Brule will officially serve the Logistics & Transport Committee as chairperson for two years, with effect from March 12, 2024. Please greet Mr. Brule with a …
Following efforts of the ECCK and a position paper submitted in December 2023 by the ECCK Tax Committee on behalf of ECCK member companies, a Presidential Decree regarding Partial Amendments of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act was announced on March 5.The announcement confirms that foreign listed stocks acquired through stock based compensation plans can …
The ECCK is pleased to announce that, Ms. Sukhee Cho, Director of Korea Global Product Stewardship/R&D of Procter and Gamble Korea has been elected as the new Chairperson of the ECCK Cosmetics Committee. Also, Ms. Ju Young Park, Scientific Director/ RESEARCH & INNOVATION of L’OREAL KOREA, has been appointed as the new Vice-Chairperson of the Cosmetics Committee. …