On the morning of October 24, the ECCK hosted an information session under the theme of ‘Accelerating Growth Through a Customer-Centric Business’ at Four Seasons Hotel Seoul. During the session, two experts Jerry Smith from Ogilvy Consulting and Will Parkhouse from DHR International joined and examined how new and emerging business models are connecting customer …
On October 22, ECCK President Christoph Heider handed over the White Paper 2019 to Minister of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS) Park Young-sun at Grand Hyatt Seoul. We are looking forward to working together with the MSS.
On the morning of October 22, the ECCK hosted a breakfast meeting with Minister of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS) Park Young-sun at Grand Hyatt Seoul. Attended by ECCK’s member companies Mercedes Benz, BASF, L’Oreal, Phillips, SAP and Schneider-Electric, the European companies have discussed on finding and fostering startups with Minister Park. We …
On October 21, ECCK President Christoph Heider participated in the special round table discussion ‘Is Korea an attractive market?’ organized by Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI) and shared candid and constructive opinions and recommendations on the business environment in Korea with KERI President Kwon Tae-shin and AMCHAM President James Kim. (Photo Credit: KERI)
The ECCK is pleased to announce that, Mr. Christian Marcos Harnay, President of L’Oreal Korea, has been elected as the new Chairperson of the ECCK Cosmetics Committee. Also, Ms. Sukhee Cho, Korea Leader of Regulatory Affairs of Procter and Gamble Korea, has been elected as a Vice-Chairperson of the Cosmetics Committee. We would like to …
On October 18, the ECCK held a White Paper 2019 hand-over meeting with Foreign Investment Ombudsman Sung Jin Kim. This year’s White Paper compiles key industrial issues and recommendations from the European business community in Korea covering the year 2019.