We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new members of the ECCK! Pirelli Korea Ltd. (Italy) Mr. Orazi Pier Paolo (CEO) www.kr.pirelli.com LVMH Korea (France) Mr. Hyun Ouk Cho (President) www.lvmh.com SAP Korea Ltd. (Germany) Mr. Sungyoul Lee (Managing Director) www.sap.com Unipart Korea YH (UK) Mr. Carl Williams (Director, Asia Pacific) …
On September 4, the ECCK hosted an information session on the topic of ‘Digital Leadership: Future Business Success in the Era of Industry 4.0’. Dr. Kyounghee Oh Lawton, a senior client partner from Korn Ferry Hay Group, came as a guest speaker and presented about how digital leadership could lead to the successful business future …
On August 29, the ECCK-Seoul-WeGO Study Visit took place at the Seoul City Hall. Attended by ECCK member companies, the program began with the MoU signing ceremony between the ECCK and WeGO on future collaboration in the field of smart cities. Followed by was a visit to Chief Information Officer of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Transport …
ECCK is pleased to introduce newly-appointed chairpersons for ECCK Food Committee & CFO Forum. Mr Karsten Kuehme, CEO & Country Manager of Nestlé Korea, has been appointed as Chairperseon of the ECCK Food Committee to serve his term until November 2019. Ms Kyung Yeon Gina Kim, CFO of Maersk Korea Ltd., has been appointed as Chairperson …
ECCK is pleased to announce its new board members. Ms Hyun-Nam Park (Managing Director and Co-Branch Manager at Deutsche Bank Seoul Branch) has been appointed as Director of the Board, and Ms Elizabeth Kyunghee Nam (Finance Director at Diageo Korea) has been appointed as Treasurer of the Board at the ECCK. We would like to sincerely congratulate them …
On August 28, ECCK President Christoph Heider and Vice President Bo Sun Kim paid a visit to Commissioner Inseon Lee at Daegu–Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone (DGFEZ). The two parties agreed on building closer ties and specified possible collaborative plans, of which include co-organizing business conferences and forums. Commissioner Lee also expressed her interest in bringing more European exposure into …