A special interview with Christoph Heider, President of ECCK, published in Economy Chosun on January 17. To read the article: “동유럽산 품질 문제는 옛말…’EU생산기지’위상 굳건. 고용,투자 안정적…장기 성장 위해 인프라 개선시급” “The quality issue of Eastern European products is no longer true… Nowadays, Eastern Europe countries are the ‘production base’ of EU. Stable employment and …
On January 17, the ECCK Green Working Group had its kick-off meeting for 2018 at Seoul Square building. The group discussed the details of the its future operation plan. Focusing on advocacy work, the team shared ideas on forming a core-team out of the group which will be representing European knowledge and experiences of smart …
On Tuesday, January 16, ECCK Chairman Dimitris Psillakis paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Bahk Byong-won, Chairman of Korea Employers Federation (KEF). Chairman Psillakis explained about the current activity of European businesses, future courses of action and goals. In return, Chairman Bahk talked about current labor and social issues in Korea and the possibility of …
On January 15, Dimitris Psillakis, Chairman of ECCK, and Christoph Heider, President of ECCK, paid a courtesy call to Kim Young-ju, Chairman of Korea International Trade Association (KITA) at the KITA office in Trade Tower. The meeting was to update both organizations on focused issues and projects and agenda in 2018. The two sides also …
A special interview with Mr. Erwan Vilfeu, Chairman of ECCK Food Committee and CEO of Nestlé Korea, to discuss about current issues in the food industry and the committee’s agenda in 2018. To read the article, please click on the following link: “국제규정 변화에 빠르고 유연한 대처는 韓 식품산업 발전 도움” “Rapid and flexible response to …
Dear Members and Friends, On behalf of the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK), I would like to express my warm regards and best wishes for our valued members and partners as we embark on the new year. 2017 was indeed a momentous year full of milestones for the ECCK. Marked by election of …