ECCK Chairman interview article published by Etoday on November 30, 2017. Please see below English translation of the article. To read the article in Korean, please click on the following link: [Etoday] 실라키스 ECCK 회장 “한국, 비즈니스 하기 좋은 나라” ECCK Chairman Dimitris Psillakis “Korea, a country that is good for business” (Etoday, November 30, 2017) …
The ECCK is pleased to invite you to Fair Player Club Seminar for Compliance and Business Ethics on December 5, 2017 at Seoul Square building. Co-hosted by the ECCK, EU Delegation to Korea, and UN Global Compact Network Korea, the seminar will cover topics on anti-corruption policies of EU and Korea and introduce Fair Players Compliance Packages. Simultaneous …
In commemoration of the 5-year anniversary of the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK), the ECCK held a successful networking reception in the evening of November 28 at the Seoul Dragon City. The event was attended by around 250 distinguished guests including Dimitris Psillakis, ECCK Chairman and President & CEO of Mercedes-Benz Korea, Micahel …
(국문은 아래 참초) ECCK and EU Delegation to Korea to Co-Host 2017 EU Research & Innovation Day The European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea will co-host the 2017 EU Research & Innovation Day on November 23 at the Four Seasons Seoul. The …
In the morning of November 22, the ECCK met with Mr Roy Kamphuis (Representative Director of Lotus Bakeries Korea) to discuss about the company’s recent adoption of ECCK-Kyobo Umbrella DC Pension Plan. The DC Plan is a new type of pension plan developed by ECCK and Kyobo Life, in which multiple employers/companies can operate their …
The ECCK is pleased to announce that the ECCK membership renewal for 2018 is now available. We have recently sent out the membership invoices to each of our members, and we would politely request to finish the payment by December 31, 2017 to remain an active member of the ECCK for the upcoming year. If you …