[Press Release] ECCK Signed MoU with KEF 20140522_보도자료_ECCK+경총_업무협약체결 20140522+Press+Release_KEF+MOU
Investing in Macedonia Putting Capital to Work in South-East Europe o Date: Wednesday July 2, 2014 o Time: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm (Lunch is included ) * Registration will start at 8:15 am o Venue: Lotte Hotel o Organized by: FT live o Supported by : ECCK o Entrance Fee: Free If you would like …
The new issue of ECCK Connect (Spring 2014, Vol.4) has been uploaded (see publications). The issue covers legislative procedures in Korea, Korea’s IT security vulnerability, and the opening of Dongdaemun Design Plaza. The print issue will be delivered exclusively to members.
ECCK Celebrates EU Day (May 9) Today (May 9) is celebrated as Europe Day, marking the anniversary of Schuman Declaration on May 9, 1950 that proposed a new form of political cooperation – the European Coal and Steel Community. His proposal and the European Coal and Steel Community is considered to be the beginning of the …
Opening Ceremony for New EU Centre at Korea University On May 9, Korea University (KU), along with the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) will host an opening ceremony to celebrate the establishment of the KU-KIEP-SBS EU Centre. Honoured guests are scheduled to be present including Lee Il-Houng, …
Sustainable Sweden Seminar June 3 Sustainable+Sweden+Seminar+Invitation