Effective April 18, 2022, South Korea is to lift all COVID-19 related social distancing measures. From next Monday, for the first time in over 2 years, all restrictions will be lifted except a mask mandate. Regarding the mask mandate, over the next two weeks, the government is to closely monitor the situation and decide further …
The ECCK is happy to announce the addition of a new Diamond member of our community! Sartorius is a leading international partner of the biopharmaceutical industry and the research sector with 14,000 employees and about 60 locations around the world. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Sartorius Korea Biotech!
The South Korean government announced that effective today, April 14th, 2022, it will lift the special travel advisory against overseas travel, which was implemented as a measure to halt further spread of the virus since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. 22 destinations including Singapore, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, Guam, and Saipan were downgraded …
Are you a K-Food lover looking for a new and unique dining experience? If so, ‘MISHMASH’, a contemporary fusion Korean restaurant, which the ECCK will be introducing today is a great place to visit. Located near Angook station, right next to Changdeokgung Palace, MISHMASH is a beautiful two-story Hanok, traditional Korean house, restaurant where you …
The ECCK is proud to host the All European Network Night which is scheduled to be held on May 12, 2022 at the Fairmont Hotel. The All European Network Night is held in the honour of Europe Day which is celebrated by the European Union on May 9. Europe Day has become even more important …
The ECCK is to co-host the European Career Forum 2022 which is scheduled to be held on May 16 (Mon) – May 20 (Fri). The forum will provide opportunities for recruiting talents in European-invested companies in Korea and the wider ecosystem of business communities of European Chambers in Korea, across all sectors of activities. This …