The European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) welcomed the government’s improved guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination and vaccination certification for foreigners residing and visiting Korea today. It has been pointed out that the system discriminates foreigners against Koreans. In the case of foreigners who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 abroad but didn’t get the letter …
On Friday, December 3, the ECCK Busan Year-end Gala was successfully hosted. Under the theme Squid Game, the signature networking event was held with the aim to celebrate the year-end. During this time, the participants enjoyed not only a delicious full-course meal in one of the popular Haeundae 5 star hotels but also enjoyed lots …
Effective December 3 2021, the Korean government is said to make it mandatory for all internal arrivals to go through a 10-day quarantine. The decision was made to block the further spread of the omicron variant. Target: Overseas arrivals from all countreis (regions) Application period: December 3, 2021 (Friday) ~ December 16, 2021 (Thursday) Date …
We are pleased to announce that our digital magazine, ECCK Connect, has been published to keep our members up to date of the latest issues! Including a feature article on inheritance issues of foreign residents, contributed by one of ECCK members Yulchon LLC, we have prepared informative and interesting articles for your reading pleasure for November. …
ECCK president Christoph Heider had a meeting with the OECD Korea team on November 26 to discuss the Korea’s business environment, labour market, some environmental issues such as ESG, etc. The meeting was attended by 4 personnel from the OECD Economics Department; Dr. Vincent Koen, Country Studies Division Chief, Mr. Jon Pareliussen, Head of Korea/ Sweden …
On November 26, ECCK President Christoph Heider paid a visit to Ms. Jung Sook Park, newly appointed Secretary General of WeGo. During his visit, President Heider delivered warm words on Ms. Park’s inauguration and discussed mutual cooperation plans for ECCK and WeGo during her tenure. The ECCK looks forward to a strengthened partnership with WeGo …