On March 21, Christoph Heider, President of the ECCK, paid a visit to BusinessEurope where he met with Luisa Santos, Director for International Relations, and Eleonara Catella, Senior Trade Advisor, to exchange views and opinions about EU-Korea-trade relations. The BusinessEurope is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across …
The five years of the EU-South Korea free trade agreement has led to a significant growth in bilateral trade, but Seoul should properly implement labour rights conventions before a further deepening of relations, MEPs say in a resolution adopted on Tuesday. To read more, please click on the following link: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20170321IPR67919/inta-meps-eu-south-korea-trade-deal-beneficial-labour-rights-lagging-behind Report: European Parliaments REPORT on …
A team of consultants and academics is conducting a study of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) after five years in order to assess the results so far and to make recommendations for the future. The team is interviewing enterprises and other stakeholders to learn about their experiences and perspectives on the EU-Korea FTA. We …
Job Information Function: Finance & Accounting Title Qualification: Financial & Administrative Manager (For details, please click here.) Qualification: – Experience: 8 Years’ experience in a senior role in a multinational company & Exposure in broad finance skills including accounting, credit collection, legal & tax, treasury and controlling. – Educational Background: Bachelor degree in Accounting (MBA preferred) – …
The EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea welcomed the new Ambassador designate Michael Reiterer, who arrived in Seoul on 17 February. Ambassador Reiterer, former Principal Advisor for Asia and Pacific at the EU’s European External Action Service (EEAS), is an Austrian citizen. He has been a member of the EU diplomacy for over 18 …
In accordance with Article 14 of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act (FIPA), Article 20 of the FIPA Enforcement Decree, Article 15 and 16 of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) Ordinance on Support for Foreign Investment, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has been running an annual program to provide subsidies for employment, education, and training for foreign invested …