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ECCK and KOTRA organized an environmental campaign
ECCK and KOTRA organized an environmental campaign
The ECCK and KOTRA organized a campaign to use more “eco bags” on December 4 at Soongsil University. The campaign was part of the 2ndGrow Together program jointly organized by foreign invested companies, KOTRA, and the ECCK. The Grow Together program is designed to encourage college students and foreign companies together for volunteer social activities.
Students and volunteers distributed carrier bags with the illustrations of endangered animals printed on, in order to increase the awareness of environmental problems and to reduce the use of plastic bags. The campaign was supported by Henkel Korea and Audi Korea.
To read more about the campaign, please click the links below:
ECCK and KOTRA organized an environmental campaign
ECCK and KOTRA organized an environmental campaign
The ECCK and KOTRA organized a campaign to use more “eco bags” on December 4 at Soongsil University. The campaign was part of the 2nd Grow Together program jointly organized by foreign invested companies, KOTRA, and the ECCK. The Grow Together program is designed to encourage college students and foreign companies together for volunteer social activities.
Students and volunteers distributed carrier bags with the illustrations of endangered animals printed on, in order to increase the awareness of environmental problems and to reduce the use of plastic bags. The campaign was supported by Henkel Korea and Audi Korea.
To read more about the campaign, please click the links below:
[아주경제]코트라, “대학생이전하는외국인투자인식개선캠페인”