A leading driver and strong advocate for European Businesses in Korea
ECCK Attended Roundtable with Foreign Business Communities in Korea
On March 24, ECCK Chairperson Philippe van Hoof attended the Roundtable Meeting with MOTIE Minister Ahn Dukgeun. Minister Ahn mentioned that it is necessary to continuously promote improvement of the foreign investment environment, such as improvement of foreign investment regulations and the expansion of incentives, in response to domestic and international uncertainties. Representing the European business community, Chairperson Philippe emphasized that economic cooperation between Korea and Europe is a critical element for the growth and prosperity of both economies. Solidarity with Europe is essential to overcome the instability caused by other parts of the world, since Europe and Korea are like-minded countries. This is best exemplified by the recent announcement of the Data Partnership Agreement (DPA) between Korea and the EU, which ECCK fully supports. Also, Chairperson Philippe expressed his gratitude to Deputy Minister for Trade and Investment Park Jung Sung for his thoughtful responses to his questions.
ECCK Attended Roundtable with Foreign Business Communities in Korea
On March 24, ECCK Chairperson Philippe van Hoof attended the Roundtable Meeting with MOTIE Minister Ahn Dukgeun. Minister Ahn mentioned that it is necessary to continuously promote improvement of the foreign investment environment, such as improvement of foreign investment regulations and the expansion of incentives, in response to domestic and international uncertainties. Representing the European business community, Chairperson Philippe emphasized that economic cooperation between Korea and Europe is a critical element for the growth and prosperity of both economies. Solidarity with Europe is essential to overcome the instability caused by other parts of the world, since Europe and Korea are like-minded countries. This is best exemplified by the recent announcement of the Data Partnership Agreement (DPA) between Korea and the EU, which ECCK fully supports. Also, Chairperson Philippe expressed his gratitude to Deputy Minister for Trade and Investment Park Jung Sung for his thoughtful responses to his questions.