A leading driver and strong advocate for European Businesses in Korea
ECCK President speaks at KERI Roundtable ‘Is Korea an attractive market?’
On October 21, ECCK President Christoph Heider participated in the special round table discussion ‘Is Korea an attractive market?’ organized by Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI) and shared candid and constructive opinions and recommendations on the business environment in Korea with KERI President Kwon Tae-shin and AMCHAM President James Kim.
ECCK President speaks at KERI Roundtable ‘Is Korea an attractive market?’
On October 21, ECCK President Christoph Heider participated in the special round table discussion ‘Is Korea an attractive market?’ organized by Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI) and shared candid and constructive opinions and recommendations on the business environment in Korea with KERI President Kwon Tae-shin and AMCHAM President James Kim.