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[European Parliament] INTA Committee’s adoption of the resolution evaluating the EU-Korea FTA
The five years of the EU-South Korea free trade agreement has led to a significant growth in bilateral trade, but Seoul should properly implement labour rights conventions before a further deepening of relations, MEPs say in a resolution adopted on Tuesday.
[European Parliament] INTA Committee’s adoption of the resolution evaluating the EU-Korea FTA
The five years of the EU-South Korea free trade agreement has led to a significant growth in bilateral trade, but Seoul should properly implement labour rights conventions before a further deepening of relations, MEPs say in a resolution adopted on Tuesday.
To read more, please click on the following link: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20170321IPR67919/inta-meps-eu-south-korea-trade-deal-beneficial-labour-rights-lagging-behind
Report: European Parliaments REPORT on the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Korea (2015/2059(INI)) Committee on International Trade