A leading driver and strong advocate for European Businesses in Korea
Global Alternative Investment Insights 2017 a success
The Global Alternative Investment Insights (GAII) 2017, jointly held by the ECCK and Maekyung Media Group, concluded with success on June 18 in Jeju with more than 300 attendees. This year, the GAII 2017 was held immediately after the Second Annual Meeting of the AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank). The Chamber would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who supported this event.
Global Alternative Investment Insights 2017
(photo: MK News)
ECCK Chairman Dimitris Psillakis discussing future cooperation between the Korean government and the ECCK with Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Strategy and Finance Kim Dong Yeon during the VIP tea time.
To read more about the event, please click on the following links:
Global Alternative Investment Insights 2017 a success
The Global Alternative Investment Insights (GAII) 2017, jointly held by the ECCK and Maekyung Media Group, concluded with success on June 18 in Jeju with more than 300 attendees. This year, the GAII 2017 was held immediately after the Second Annual Meeting of the AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank). The Chamber would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who supported this event.
ECCK Chairman Dimitris Psillakis discussing future cooperation between the Korean government and the ECCK with Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Strategy and Finance Kim Dong Yeon during the VIP tea time.
To read more about the event, please click on the following links:
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