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[The Korea Times] ECCK President Discuss Chaebols and Korea’s Business Environment
On January 25, ECCK President Christoph Heider participated in a roundtable hosted by The Korea Times. Including Mr Heider, representatives from AMCHAM, KGCCI, and FKCCI joined to discuss on the outlook of the Korea’s business environment and issues of Trump’s trade policies and its impact on Korean companies.
[The Korea Times] ECCK President Discuss Chaebols and Korea’s Business Environment
On January 25, ECCK President Christoph Heider participated in a roundtable hosted by The Korea Times. Including Mr Heider, representatives from AMCHAM, KGCCI, and FKCCI joined to discuss on the outlook of the Korea’s business environment and issues of Trump’s trade policies and its impact on Korean companies.
To read more, please find the articles below:
[The Korea Times]: Chaebol leaders should be role model
[한국일보]: [트럼프 시대와 한국은] 크리스토프 하이더 주한유럽상공회의소 사무총장
[한국일보]: 美ㆍ獨ㆍ佛ㆍ유럽 상의 회장들이 보는 ‘트럼프 시대와 한국’