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RDA releases first report on underage drinking prevention campaign
Responsible Drinking Alliance (RDA), an industry alliance formed by global alcoholic beverage manufactures in Korea, released its first report on the underage drinking prevention campaign. Marking the first industrywide effort made by global alcoholic beverage companies, the RDA was founded in 2015 by ECCK with an aim to address alcohol related social issues in Korea.
Currently, there are 5 member companies (Chairman: Diageo Korea) participating in the RDA with the Korea Wine & Spirits Importers Association (KWSIA, 57-member companies) joined as an associate member, and the ECCK oversees its operation. The RDA is open to everyone including government agencies, associations, organizations and companies including retailers that can make a commitment to the responsible drinking culture in Korea.
RDA releases first report on underage drinking prevention campaign
Responsible Drinking Alliance (RDA), an industry alliance formed by global alcoholic beverage manufactures in Korea, released its first report on the underage drinking prevention campaign. Marking the first industrywide effort made by global alcoholic beverage companies, the RDA was founded in 2015 by ECCK with an aim to address alcohol related social issues in Korea.
Currently, there are 5 member companies (Chairman: Diageo Korea) participating in the RDA with the Korea Wine & Spirits Importers Association (KWSIA, 57-member companies) joined as an associate member, and the ECCK oversees its operation. The RDA is open to everyone including government agencies, associations, organizations and companies including retailers that can make a commitment to the responsible drinking culture in Korea.
Click on the links below to download the report.
RDA: 청소년 음주예방 캠페인 리포트