A leading driver and strong advocate for European Businesses in Korea
Special Presidential Envoy Paid a Courtesy Visit to the ECCK
Special Presidential Envoy and Ambassador for Investment & Industrial Cooperation Choi, Joong Kyung paid a courtesy visit to the ECCK on February 5. Taking this opportunity, Ambassador Choi conveyed the message that Koea has been able to overcome many crises because Koreans are very creative, and the Korean Government is also doing its best to overcome this political turmoil. Regarding this, Chairperson Philippe van Hoof mentioned that we believe Korea has economic and democratic resilience, and that the European community would conduct Business As Usual (BAU).
Special Presidential Envoy Paid a Courtesy Visit to the ECCK
Special Presidential Envoy and Ambassador for Investment & Industrial Cooperation Choi, Joong Kyung paid a courtesy visit to the ECCK on February 5. Taking this opportunity, Ambassador Choi conveyed the message that Koea has been able to overcome many crises because Koreans are very creative, and the Korean Government is also doing its best to overcome this political turmoil. Regarding this, Chairperson Philippe van Hoof mentioned that we believe Korea has economic and democratic resilience, and that the European community would conduct Business As Usual (BAU).