On April 27, the ECCK Board members led by Chairman Dimitris Psillakis attended a business luncheon with Philippe Duponteil, Head of Unit at the European Commission’s DG Trade, and EU Ambassador H.E. Michael Reiterer. The luncheon’s discussion focused on how the European companies evaluate the effectiveness of the KOR-EU Free Trade Agreement and current and …
The ECCK will be hosting “All European Network Night”, the largest scale reception night for European business people in Korea. The network night will be co-hosted with 11 other European chambers and business associations in Korea at the Atrium Terrace in Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel on the evening of May 11. The event is organized …
April 26, 2017 marks the 47th World Intellectual Property (IP) Day. Initiated by the World Intellectual Property Organization, numerous IP organizations participate in raising global awareness of the benefits that IP brings to our society on this meaningful day. For this purpose, Sven-Erik Batenburg, ECCK Head of Legal & International Affairs, interviewed with the Seoul Economic Daily. During the interview, …
In the afternoon of April 25, ECCK Chairman Dimitris Psillakis met with Chief Policy Advisor for Presidential Candidate Ahn Cheolsoo and Member of the National Assembly Hon. Kim Kwan-young at National Assembly Members’ Office Building. At the meeting, Chairman Psillakis delivered current industrial issues raised by the members of the ECCK to Hon. Kim Kwan-young …
In the afternoon of April 21, the ECCK held a luncheon with Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea H.E. Chung Sye-kyun. Attended by ECCK Chairman Dimitris Psillakis, EU Ambassador H.E. Michael Reiterer, and 30 representatives of European companies in Korea, the afternoon’s discussion focused on how to increase foreign investment opportunities in …
The ECCK has become a member of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council (FIAC), the sounding board to the Seoul Metropolitan Government. The FIAC has been providing feedback and advice on foreign investment policies since its establishment in 1999. The Council meets twice a year to candidly discuss what can be done to improve the city’s …