A leading driver and strong advocate for European Businesses in Korea
[EU-Korea FTA Assessment] The EU-Korea FTA After 5 Years
A team of consultants and academics is conducting a study of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) after five years in order to assess the results so far and to make recommendations for the future. The team is interviewing enterprises and other stakeholders to learn about their experiences and perspectives on the EU-Korea FTA. We request members of ECCK to complete the questionnaire about the results, challenges and opportunities from the FTA, which is available on-line in English at the following link: http://q.limedesign.lv/_v1.0/en/survey/8e3e57bc2ce69845ec0c47e00e47fcfc.html
Please complete the survey within the next two weeks. All information collected will be kept confidential and will be reported only on an aggregate basis. The information will be used only for the purpose of the study. If you have questions, please write eukorefta@fastmail.fm. We welcome the views of enterprises, business associations and other stakeholders on the results so far and opportunities for the future with the FTA. Murray Smith, Team Leader, EU-Korea FTA Assessment
[EU-Korea FTA Assessment] The EU-Korea FTA After 5 Years
Murray Smith, Team Leader, EU-Korea FTA Assessment