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FSS Governor Talks about Korea’s Future Financial Strategy and Policy
On Thursday, April 6, the ECCK held a luncheon with Governor Zhin Woong-Seob from Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) of Korea. Joined by around 30 attendees consisted of CEOs and CFOs of European and financial companies in Korea, the luncheon was conducted on the topic of ‘FSS’s Financial Strategy and Future Policy’. During his speech, Governor Zhin discussed about the current situation of the global and Korean economy and FSS’s policy roadmap to the country’s future economic growth and financial development. Governor Zhin also spoke in depth about FSS’s three main tasks for its future direction: strengthening regulatory reform, focusing on Fintech and new business development, creating a better environment for businesses.
Photo Source: FSS
To read the official press release from FSS, please click here.
For more information, please click on the Korean articles below:
FSS Governor Talks about Korea’s Future Financial Strategy and Policy
On Thursday, April 6, the ECCK held a luncheon with Governor Zhin Woong-Seob from Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) of Korea. Joined by around 30 attendees consisted of CEOs and CFOs of European and financial companies in Korea, the luncheon was conducted on the topic of ‘FSS’s Financial Strategy and Future Policy’. During his speech, Governor Zhin discussed about the current situation of the global and Korean economy and FSS’s policy roadmap to the country’s future economic growth and financial development. Governor Zhin also spoke in depth about FSS’s three main tasks for its future direction: strengthening regulatory reform, focusing on Fintech and new business development, creating a better environment for businesses.
To read the official press release from FSS, please click here.
For more information, please click on the Korean articles below:
[Yonhap News] 진웅섭 “소규모 외국계 금융사의 후선업무 겸직 허용”
[Seoul Daily] 진웅섭 “규제 패러다임, 사전규제서 사후점검으로 전환”
[Asia Today] 진웅섭 원장 “규제 패러다임, 사전규제에서 사후점검으로 전환”
[ChosunBiz] 진웅섭 금융감독원장 “불합리한 규제 폐지·완화”